The search for a job for the transition leads directly into the past. The contract for a new book is assured, but at the moment he has even fewer ideas in his head than money in his pocket. Jack Manfred (Clive Owen) is a writer in London. In our best list, you’ll find 10 terrific gambling films. Film directors are only too happy to move in this area of tension, and there are many movies about casinos, gambling, and the people involved. But glitz, glamour, wealth, luxury, the aura of mystery, thrills and crime, addiction, greed, despair and ruin all lie close together. Thinking about reputable casinos we think of all-nighters, pockets full of money and stacks of chips, the clacking of the roulette ball, croupiers, lucky streaks, but also nasty streaks of bad luck. Posted by Sandra Fisher on in Film | 0 comments